
The Top Ten Reasons Small Business Owners Should Build Their Own Website

If you own a small business or practice (selling your services, like an accountant, a therapist, a consultant) and dont have to be a big deal. In this economy, the winners are going to be those who continue to market and promote. If you havent gotten around to putting a website up (enough business, referrals, just avoiding), do it now. You are conspicuous by your absence.You have probably heard horror stories from rc flying fish colleagues about the web designer who flaked on them or paying thousands but getting nothing. Learn from the mistakes of your predecessors and when you do embark on the Internet adventure, seize control of itDont hire that web guy you met at a networking meeting or have your kid do it for you on college break. If you are serious about making your website an important part of your marketing, you must control it yourself. There are content management systems (like Web Power Tools and others) that make a website as easy as typing a letter in Word.Here are the top ten business reasons you should build and maintain your own professional website1. ITt keep it up to date. An out of date website can be worse than no website at all.2. YOU3. INVESTMENT. Itll have to pay again and again when you want to touch your site.4. ITt need a designer to do that.5. SPEED. You can do it quickly. In just an hour or two. sexy clothing Start with just one or two pages and then as you develop more content, you can add it.6. GETTING FOUND.Search engines like sites with changing content. If you have to pay your web guy every time you want to air swimmers add a new event or change a link to an upcoming teleclass, you wont do it and then your search rankings will go down.7. TEST. If you control your website, you can use it to test new ideas and offerings. A summer special, a discount offer. Just put it up and see what happens.8. COURSE-CORRECT AS NEEDED. When you build your own website, you can easily track the traffic and statistics patterns, seeing where your visitors were referred from, what pages they visited, how long they stayed. This is meaty information you can really learn from.9. DONt have to reinvent the wheel.10. END PROCRASTINATION. You can finally cross "build a website" off your list

