
Dating Site Secret - Use Yahoo Answers To Increase Traffic

There has been a lot of talk lately of how one can use yahoo answers to drive traffic to a site.For those of you who still don't know this technique,you can actually use yahoo answers to your advantage. If you have never tried using Yahoo Answers as a Way to Increase Free Traffic, this is the right time to try it. Constant Traffic is very important to the success of any dating site.It's even more important if your dating business is still new.You can asks any question on yahoo answers as long as they don not violate the community guidelines for yahoo answer users.This means that there are lots of dating questions too.Of course,you will need a Yahoo id to post replies on.There a lot of categories on yahoo answers so you can be sure to get many questions suits your business.From business to relationships, there are so many categories.You will need to choose a section that has open questions and answers and then the section you want to answer the questions.Always look for questions related to dating.You can look at Yahoo answers.com to get more information.After you have chosen you will answer and hopefully make it a useful answer. You can choose a few different sections to answer and sometimes not sure of the answer you can just Google it to get the answer or watch repair an idea. You have to make sure you do about 10 or more postings before you add links for your site.With a a few postings, you will be able to get some free traffic coming to your dating site.There are thousands of people who use yahoo answers so the more postings you make,the more reputation you build.Of course, you will suggest sites relating to watch repair the question.Obviously,your site will come up first.Take some time to study and see what kind of questions people are asking in the sections that are related to dating or relationships.Yahoo answers uses a point system.There is a point for every correct answer. The downside is that there is a limit on the number of questions you can answer per day. This is to avoid spamming.Also avoid posting the same link several times otherwise you will be kicked out.If used in the right way, Yahoo answers will get your dating site some free traffic.

